Skin Diamond 2013
In 2012, Diamond posed for comic book artist David Mack, who portrayed her as Echo in the Marvel Comics miniseries Daredevil: End of Days.[12] In 2013 she posed for photographer Terry Richardson.[13]
skin diamond 2013
Skin Diamond net worth: Skin Diamond is an American actress, singer, model, and former pornographic actress who has a net worth of $800 thousand. Skin Diamond was born in Ventura, California in February 1987. She now uses the name Raylin Joy. She started out as an alternative model and was on the cover of Bizarre magazine in 2009. That same year she entered the adult film industry and has more than 230 acting credits to her name. She was included on CNBC's The Dirty Dozen: Porn's Most Popular Stars list in 2014 and was Penthouse Pet of the Year Runner-up in 2015. She starred in the Showtime television series Submission after retiring from doing X-rated scenes. Skin Diamond won an Urban X Award in 2012 for Female Performer of the Year and an XBIZ Award in 2013 for Best Supporting Actress. In 2014 she won a pair of AVN Awards including Best Oral Sex Scene.
2014 Penthouse Pet of the Month: Miss July2014 AVN Award: Best Oral Sex Scene2014 AVN Award: Best Double Penetration Sex Scene2013 XBIZ Award: Best Supporting Actress (Revenge of the Petites)
I think that, since texture packs are now obsolete, shouldn't we replace the Texture pack link with Resource packs? It would make sense since there is no real need for Texture packs anymore. Warpshard 22:16, 9 July 2013 (UTC)
I think that it could be a good thing to have a tutorial on installing mods in the new launcher on the wiki. Weren't there tutorials on this before the new launcher came out? Starfire2999 20:41, 10 August 2013 (UTC)
Is there anywhere else we can move a link to this page? It seems silly that something that was only mentioned once over 4 years ago (alongside a doom level importer) by someone who doesn't even work on the game anymore is both still considered "planned" and front page material. --Moxxy 03:51, 8 August 2013 (UTC)
I know a way to "sneak" Diamonds into your Inventory. Turn on cheats, then type /give USERNAME 56 (amount). If you have a iron pickaxe (or better), you just place and mine to get Diamonds.-- 01:30, 17 September 2013 (UTC)Not signed in
You cannot place a zombie spawner without mods or hacks. If you want to place one, I recommend getting tekkit and putting the map on it, placing a zombie spawner, then putting the map back in normal minecraft. And please sign your comments with 4 tildes () or pressing the button with a signature on it.-- 01:03, 22 August 2013 (UTC)
I think there needs to be info one this somewhere, As Dinnerbone is going along with Curse and a bunch of celebrity individuals. so. Website: -on-minecraft/ SO shoud there be a Insomnia Minecraft Expo UK page?--007a83 (TalkContribs) 19:54, 22 August 2013 (UTC)
Also, I'm an admin on the dutch wiki, and I think that you can trust all admins on all the language wiki's, otherwise they didn't become admins. Could we get some sort of rank that we can edit pages like protected templates? I know that it's a lot I'm asking for, and I understand if this wouldn't be possible, but sometimes it is really annoying you have to ask an english admin to add a simple language link.
The Ender Dragon egg seems useless for now, but have you heard? Jeb has come up with a red dragon hatching from the egg and follows you around! And you MIGHT be able to die it colors with dies. Jeb was not as famous as Notch, but now, he will get a LOT more credit. Jeb is responsible for this. This new feature will be in update 1.8.0! Sorry that it will take that long to add that! But still this is very amazing! And 1.7.0 is now about to be here in 2013! This update is the next right after 1.6.2, it adds new biomes, and flowers I heard. And this might not be that much! And do you have a texture creator app? Well if you see a dragon texture (just regular dragon) you will notice there is no regular "dragon" in minecraft yet! That is a sign of the new update in store! And its gray! Not red! So that means it could be died colors as well! It could be, or it could not! Lets find out soon...
I suggest maybe a "Myths" page for a list of the commonly known myths and information about them like "Squids are attracted to light.", "Sugarcane grows the faster on sand.", etc. J192 11:36, 4 October 2013 (UTC)
The pages such as Special:SpecialPages, templates and the categories can not be accessed without actually knowing they exist and their URL. I spent ages yesterday trying to get back to the special pages but I couldn't remember the namespace or format(SpecialPages or Special_Pages) . There should be links to these somewhere on the main page. 19px Lennbot 19px (talk - contributions) 09:37, 21 October 2013 (UTC)
I think the new layout of the main page is hideous, it's harder to find stuff and links are everywhere...This is my opinion though, how do you guys think about it?-- TheWombatGuru t c NL Admin 10:36, 21 October 2013 (UTC)
1.7.4 was released a few days ago. Please edit the main page so that 1.7.4 is in the recent updates section. I wish I would have admin privileges, but my ages and (my now better) edits suggest that that's not going to happen. --BrandSPim (Need help?) 21:34, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
Can someone please add a link to a random page? I think it is a good idea because newcomers can easily find a random page to read and learn about Minecraft. I don't know how to do it too. But, there is a random page thingy on the mobile site, so I don't get that. SchobbishBot3000 (talk) 16:18, 14 December 2013 (UTC)
--ShirleyFaith (talk) 02:59, 17 December 2013 (UTC)I really want to change my character skin to a cat. I have no idea how to that. I play on the p.c. Also, Is it just not possible to have a cat skin that shows the pointy ears? I haven't seen one yet. :(Thanks! ShirleyFaith
The main article still says, "Singleplayer and multiplayer, when purchased, can be played in the user's web browser, or using the downloadable launcher." As I understand it, the web browser play is gone forever and the launcher is now the only way to play. Could someone double check that and fix it? PuzzleMage (talk) 17:23, 22 December 2013 (UTC)
I think that the minecraft wiki should have its own app on iTunes and Google play. I think this because there have been many times when I have been filming for YouTube and I need some information so my viewers have to watch me searching the internet where as if there was an app then I could just glance at my phone. Bbscraft (talk) 23:19, 27 December 2013 (UTC)
Figure 4: Forest plot to display meta-analysis results.The forest plot demonstrates the standardised mean difference (SMD), the confidence intervals (CI), and the weighting of each study.The SMD is represented by the squares and the 95% CI is shown as the whiskers on the graph.The diamond at the bottom of the plot symbolises the pooled estimate based on the random effects model.The centre of the diamond is used to demonstrate the point estimate, and the width of the diamond represents the associated 95% CI.LL and UL represent the lower and upper limit respectively.
Globally, it is estimated that 7.4 million people have Parkinson's disease (PD). In the UK alone, a diagnosis occurs every hour, and among the elderly population, Parkinson's is the second most common type of neurodegenerative disease [1]. There are several forms of PD; however, in over 90% of cases, the etiology is unknown. For the remaining 10% of Parkinson's patients, it is recognised that they have monogenic forms of the disease. In familial Parkinson's, alterations may occur in genes such as SNCA or DJ-1 [2]. Identification of rare genes such as these is likely to give insight into the molecular pathways that underlie the disease. Most individuals who develop PD are 60 years of age or older; however 5% of cases are reported before the age of 50. The primary symptoms of PD are caused by dopamine insufficiency due to progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), leading to reduced stimulation of the motor cortex by the basal ganglia [3,4]. The depletion of dopamine is most prominent in the dorsolateral putamen, which is the main site of projection for these neurons [5]. By the time of death, up to 70% of neurons within the SNpc may be affected [6]. The decline in dopamine, causes symptoms such as tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia, which are collectively termed 'parkinsonism' [7]. As the disease progresses, cognitive and behavioural problems may also arise. A second feature of PD pathology is the abundance of intraneuronal cytoplasmic inclusions in the brain, termed 'Lewy bodies'; which contain aggregates of various proteins and lipids and accumulate in the spared dopaminergic neurons of SNpc.Microglia, the brains resident macrophages play a critical role in the maintenance of CNS microenvironment. One attractive hypothesis is that PD is partly driven by the inflammatory response of microglia [8,9], with activated microglia culpable for majority of tissue destruction in the PD brain. A strong inflammatory response is elicited in the cells upon encounter with extracellular stimuli, such as those from pathogens or dying neurons. Once activated, microglia educe a reaction in order to mediate the innate immune response and eliminate proinflammatory signals. Not only do these cells generate such mediators, but they also act to propagate the pro-inflammatory response, which activates further microglia and astrocytes. Direct stimulation of microglial populations with LPS and nitrated a-synuclein, have been observed to lead to the destruction of dopaminergic SNpc neurons both in vivo and in vitro [10]. While others have demonstrated increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and pro-inflammatory cytokines associated with by activated glial cells [11].Another candidate implicated in PD pathogenesis is the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) [7]. This system plays an important role in removing proteins that are no longer required inside cells. Failure of this system, from genetic and/or environmental factors, leads to the abnormal aggregation of proteins such as a- synuclein, the major component of Lewy bodies. Formation of Lewy bodies may lead to the activation of pathways, which later result in neuronal death.Presently treatment options for PD are underwhelming. While it is possible to treat the symptoms of PD, it is not possible to reverse the effects of the disease or cure it. There are three main pharmacological drugs given for PD; Levodopa, dopamine agonists, and MAO-B inhibitors. The actual approach chosen varies depending on the stage of the disease. When a patient presents with PD symptoms for the first time, Levodopa (a precursor of dopamine) may be given. However, it is preferable for other medications such as MAO-B inhibitors and dopamine agonists to be administered prior to Levodopa in the hope that this will delay the onset of dyskinesia. If a patient develops motor complications that are related to Levodopa intake, then the physician's aim is to reduce symptoms of PD whilst controlling fluctuations of the response to medication. If medication is no longer able to control PD symptoms, then surgical techniques such as deep brain stimulation may be relied upon. Other established risk factors for PD are advanced age, a positive family history and environmental influences, which are controversial. There is some evidence that exposure to low dose organochlorine (OC) pesticides may lead to vitamin D deficiency in humans [12]. This warrants that chemical exposure as a possible cause of vitamin D deficiency should be evaluated in prospective and experimental studies.Lately hypovitaminosis D has been proposed as a significant risk factor in the development of PD [13, 14]. While the biological mechanisms behind the associations remain to be clarified, several theories have been put forward. Herein we outline the biology of vitamin D and prevalence of hypovitaminosis D as it relates to PD and discuss evidence that supports this.